Friday, February 8, 2008

Fifteen Load Bearing Posts for the Fanboys We Don't Cater To

io9 is a new blog from the snarky folks at Gawker, dedicated to science fiction and futurism, where they promise (in their manifesto) to "show you a new world that's shockingly different from what you're used to." As a concept it seems sound enough, since a lot of science fiction is about the future, and the future has technology, and technology is scientific... sort of. Yeah.

Their manifesto later goes on to say "io9 is from an uncharted region in futurist culture. Our idea of science fiction includes things like Ron Moore's Battlestar Galactica TV series, the architecture of Frank Gehry, and the writing of Michael Chabon. These creators don't cater to fanboys with trivia obsessions, and neither does io9."

Right then. So dear io9 bloggers, please explain this post so endearingly titled, "The Explodiest Outer Space Crashes Ever to Rock Your Movie Theater." Or how about this list of science fiction currency. Oh, that one actually tried to express the value of fictional currency in real-world dollars, which is a truly noble endeavor. In the future. The technological future. In space.

Cranking back the dial we have this list of time machines and "The Greatest Scifi Dance Routines Of All Time" and... oh hell, let's just make a list!

And that's just this week. Digging back a bit further we find gems like:

There, there, io9 bloggers... don't cry, they're not bad posts. (Well, not all of them.) Just don't pretend like you don't get paid based on the number of hits they generate. Because we know. Everyone knows.

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