Thursday, February 1, 2007

Wow, it's dirty in here. Bring soap!

Courtesy of Lampbane, a little shot of ipecac for your soul.

The game in question is 陽射しの中のリアル (Hizashi no Naka no Real) [not safe for work; probably not safe for life], a Flash-based game where you get your creepy sex groove on with suspiciously young-looking (not-real) girls. So basically, there really is no way in the world to defend yourself if you're ever caught playing this game in earnest; that spreading warmth - no, the other one, even lower than that - is the sulfurous fires of hell rising up to engulf you right in front of your astonished parents (or whoever's turn it is to leave the meals outside your bedroom door today).

The game's developer, mu-soft (previously BitMap Works), has some staff profiles on their website, which are pretty much exactly what you'd expect. Wow! They're all otaku! No shit.

I'll be back later to answer your questions, but first--

Not a lot of local media love for cartoon morons Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens, with their buffoon-like comments and their "starving artists" schtick. Also, the Globe et al are now more-than-implying that Interference, the guerrilla marketing firm behind it all, purposely didn't defuse the ruckus until later in the day.

Unsurprisingly, Interference blanked out their website yesterday - it now has a generic non-apology and some sloppy HTML up top - and declined to answer questions. Their head honcho is, um, out of town. Yeah. That's it. Out of town.

(It's never a good sign when the boss also answers to "Sanjay" and has Froghammer on his resume.)

Anyway, hopefully they'll wrap up the media trial phase soon and clear these folks off the radar, 'cause Berdovsky has this Zach de la Rocha / "I played in Korn" vibe that makes it hard for me to care. So hard. Not that he needs my concern now that he has 15 minutes of fame!

Even more troubling, any combination of artists and endeavors that include the word "guerilla" reminds me of that one time I ran into this hipster guy who thought he was, like, an artist 'cause he got a New York Magazine profile for jizzing on stuff a lot and, y'know, the next thing I remember, I'm standing next to this dumpster with blood all over my hands, and I'm just screaming "the Dutch Masters will eat you" over and over? And the blood wasn't even mine? Yeah, that was a little weird.

Coakley is gonna get you... tonight

Sayeth the Annotated Laws of Massachusetts, Part IV, Title 1, Ch. 266, §102A1/2:

§ 102A1/2. Possession of Hoax Device.

(a) Whoever possesses, transports, uses or places or causes another to knowingly or unknowingly possess, transport, use or place any hoax device or hoax substance with the intent to cause anxiety, unrest, fear or personal discomfort to any person or group of persons shall be punished by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-half years or by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years or by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "hoax device" shall mean any device that would cause a person reasonably to believe that such device is an infernal machine. For the purposes of this section, the term "infernal machine" shall mean any device for endangering life or doing unusual damage to property, or both, by fire or explosion, whether or not contrived to ignite or explode automatically. For the purposes of this section, the words "hoax substance" shall mean any substance that would cause a person reasonably to believe that such substance is a harmful chemical or biological agent, a poison, a harmful radioactive substance or any other substance for causing serious bodily injury, endangering life or doing unusual damage to property, or both.

Somehow, I don't think they're impressed. ("Dude, you know what would make this even funnier? If we were totally baked right now." "Yeah, motherfuckin' word to that.")

Oops, the Globe has decided they were actually vaguely contrite after all. ("Shit, they're looking at us. Do the camera face!")

Dear Boston: ha ha, you be stupid. Now come see our movie. [Adult Swim]

Friends describe Berdovsky as talented, 'great kid'

That's right. The Boston Herald is already giving Peter Berdovsky, arrested artiste-cum-guerilla marketing deployer for hire, the perp treatment. Unfortunately his mother is still in Belarus, so there will be no press conferences in which she sobs hysterically and says she doesn't believe her son did it, he never meant to hurt anyone, he was always very quiet, such a good boy.

Well, maybe someone will pony up a swank defense lawyer for the kid. Can they get him Richard Gere? The kid already kinda has that Edward-Norton-living-under-a-bridge look. I think it just might work.

Meanwhile, Turner's Phil Kent offered up another, wordier non-apology:

"We really deeply regret that it was horribly misinterpreted to be a public danger, when all it was intended to do was to draw attention to a late-night television show," said Phil Kent, chairman and chief executive of the network, based in Atlanta. "This is not the kind of publicity we would ever seek."

In other words: We're sorry you're stupid. It's not our fault that you're stupid. Good luck with being stupid and all the best, Phil K.

But don't front, Phil; five bucks says the guys at AS are totally high-fiving. (We hold in our grasp the power to bring cities to their knees!) Plus, now even New York Times readers know that Err "seems angry, with slanted eyebrows and what appear to be raised middle fingers." You can't buy this kind of publicity! Except with a team of lawyers to fend off apoplectic politicians waving bills for the BPD, but you know. Close enough.

You guys should totally talk to Eric Schaeffer

Mainichi Daily New's Wai Wai features Shukan Josei on Japan Cherry Boys Club vows to end innocence by drawing lines, practicing judo:

Japan's male virgins have given up on the idea of being unwillingly celibate for life and will do their bit to curb the dramatically declining national birthrate, the head of the Japan Cherry Boys Association tells Shukan Josei (2/13).

That's not even the best part, not even close. The honor goes to:

"First and foremost, we study. To make sure we have an anatomical background of women, we all draw pictures of female genitalia and critique them," Watanabe tells the women's weekly. "We had one guy who just drew a straight line and said, 'I'm finished.' That's how little we all know. It's really pathetic."