Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bet all those "L" and "R" mixups in Japanese seem pretty insignificant now, huh?

Times when it is a good idea to send a text message:
  • You need to send someone detailed information like an address or phone number
  • One or both of you are in a place you cannot talk, like a meeting or class or very noisy room
  • You want to be disgustingly cute and tell your significant other that you less-than-three him/her
Times when it is a bad idea to send a text message:
  • You and your soon-to-be-ex-wife are in the middle of a nasty divorce and having a dot over an "i" can make the difference between her just being pissed off at you or her waiting at the door to stab you in the chest with a knife.  
Oh, Turkey, between this and Brides on Tour, it makes one long for the days when we could simply laugh and watch Turkish Star Wars.  In fact, I hear that sort of thing is in now.