Monday, April 23, 2007

If otaku ruled the world, there would be no war, and also no labor movement

Anime Boston 2007: complete. There were a few complaints about the convention hotel, which is currently on the rocks with hotel employee union Local 26. Says one Anime Boston staffer:

I was running the Tetris DS tournament out on the balcony of the game room, and right before the 1st round began the strikers started making loud noise and their union party van started playing lame 90s "techno", and we kept screaming at the to STFU. And then Sheraton people came and kicked us off the balcony cause we were interrupting their strike >.>

"Jeezus fuck, what is wrong with you people? 'Working without contract for the past six months' blah blah blah. We are trying to play video games over here! And play some goddamn decent protest music while you're at it! It's like you assholes don't even have any 'Real Emotion' remixes in there."