Sunday, August 12, 2007

Eat Drink Mad Villain

Good news, everybody! It's the upcoming series Three Delivery!

Three Delivery is set in a magical Chinatown and follows the adventures of a group of orphaned teenage delivery kids who are also Kung Fu-fighting superheroes. Together, they must prevent the evil Kong Li from collecting powerful, ancient food recipes that have the power to unleash dark forces upon the world.

Finally, someone acknowledges those underrepresented themes of Chinese kung-fu and evil Chinese men! But tell us more, creator Larry Schwarz:

“The show is a fantasy, but the characters are written as real kids who viewers will want to emulate. We also incorporated tween trends, including extreme bike riding, punk and EMO."

Really? Emulate real orphaned delivery kids? Wow, I can taste the awesome already, and it tastes like EMO! I'll let the press release explain further:

When orphans Sue, Sid, and Toby are recruited by Nana to make deliveries for Wu's Garden Chinese restaurant, they see it as a chance to move out of the orphanage and ride cool bikes.

Two things:
A) Nana got to stop with that child labor shit.
B) Seriously, those kids have got to be dumb. As. Fuck.

Anyway, Three Delivery. Coming this fall!

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