Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Being righteous don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing

Boing Boing is one of those Internet car crashes: you shouldn't look, but yet you cannot look away. Sometimes you see something cool, sometimes you see something you shouldn't and end up sick to your stomach, where all the unicorn chasers in the world won't undo the damage.

The most egregious offender is Xeni Jardin, who has developed a cult of hate such that people are creating sites like XeniSucks. Which is a fun read, though not exactly a bastion of coherent writing.

Today's Xeni offense occurs in this post, on which you could say, "yeah, that Wal-Mart page is coded pretty badly," but then again, the page loads fine for me, and I'm using Opera, which is the gimpiest of the gimp browsers.

From the screenshot it appears that she's using Firefox on a Mac, and Macs can't access the movies anyway. But then again, even if Macs could watch the Wal-Mart downloads... she's a Mac user, a Firefox user, and as a BoingBoing contributor, probably a communist, so she wouldn't shop at Wal-Mart anyway.

And yes, I checked the Wal-Mart store in Firefox on a Windows machine, and it loads like crap, but hell, even I won't shop at Wal-Mart. So who really cares?

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