Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Critic's View

A Fan's View webmaster Kevin Lillard: con personality, racing fan, and master of jaw-dropping, reality-defying hyperbole:

The name of this site was chosen in haste, but has held up over the years. It is a fan's view of anime conventions, not a critic's view. A critical look at conventions would question why they exist. A fan accepts the conventions and thinks they're worthwhile events.

The author isn't shy to say that anime conventions are the best events that American youth culture has to offer. They show youthful enthusiasm for the exotic and unfamiliar, and show that the generation of fans has overcome the horrors of World War II. Other cultures carry hatreds from centuries ago (tragically demonstrated on Sept. 11, 2001), but not anime fans.

Translation: Arabs hate, otaku are great.

But if you're an American anime fan who personally experienced the horrors of World War II, let us know! We too remember the struggle to overcome the miseries of the internment camp, the war r--oh wait, no, actually we don't 'cause we were born decades later into an era of booming prosperity, just like 99.9% of the convention staffers we've ever worked with.

Also, who's Lillard's Kool-Aid supplier? We could totally use some at the next con staff meeting.

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