Saturday, October 13, 2007

Drug use will make you sexy... so very, very sexy...

What's next in Demented Dragon's house of hack-rate horrors? Yoko Molotov's Stray Crayons! Now, Amazon lists the Editor on this one as Beth Mashburn. Yeah, the staffer who supposedly has a Masters in English. That's why she didn't bother to edit tounge, wierd (twice!), glamorus / layed, gulitly (incidentally, "fare the night alone" is crap English), rebeled, and experemented / probaly. That's just in 23 sample pages; does anyone over there give a shit? Rhetorical question.

If anyone over there is actually paying Beth Mashburn, for God's sake, stop. You could hire a bright seventh grader to surpass the job she's doing, plus you could pay the kid entirely in popsicles.

Anyway, like the copy says, Stray Crayons is based in the "beautiful, haunting city" that is Louisville, KY. Feast your eyes upon its majesty, folks. Quite possibly this story wishes to be "awesome manga with hot punk rock girls" while also being beautiful and haunting and deep and shit--Maud, our female lead, is a drug-user who's beaten by her boyfriend--but sadly, Ms. Molotov's skills are not nearly up to the task. If you liked Midnight Mirror, this has the same sense of narrative urgency, just with more boob and panty shots. Thrill to 23 pages of Maud talking to herself, sobbing "I probaly look like shit! ...or crazy, because I am an idiot!" and "You're right, I am such a jerk... a whiny little bitch!" while nothing. Happens. At all. It has all the subtlety of a dead raccoon. It's the type of comic where you get a sledgehammer lecture on a young girl's poignant lost innocence, yet the previous page treats you to upskirt action of the same girl.

And there's a sneak peek of Volume 2 on Yoko Molotov's site. It even comes with a "spolier warnin'." That means watch out, there's an awesome phonetic accent inside! An accent the same character didn't have in the Volume 1 preview pages!

Must've been the drugs.