Monday, February 5, 2007

And how can the movie be anything but solid cinematic gold

The Dead or Alive franchise celebrated its 10th Anniversary last year. No problems there, though I've never imagined that a life of rigorous martial arts training uniformly results in a figure buxom enough that the passenger in front of you should please keep an upright seat back at all times. But I could be wrong.

Besides, they could be cunningly disguised armor implants. Silicone might have excellent impact-absorption properties. Jiggly Kevlar; it could happen.

Sadly, for all the 10th Anniversary pimpage, the girls don't actually look that appealing. It's like Lara Croft in early Tomb Raider; there'd clearly been effort spent on smoothing the taut stretch of fabric between Lefty and Righty, the pert gravity-defying curves... but if her face looked like a Cro-Magnon, then so be it. Even the new Lara Croft is rocking the one-plastic-surgery-too-many pornstar look.

Which brings us back to Tecmo and the Dead or Alive 10th (Credit) Card, featuring mildly cross-eyed versions of either Kasumi, Hitomi, or Ayame. The overall effect is less sexy fighter, more pneumatic lobotomy. And chicks with all the intelligent expression of a landed fish just aren't my thing. Oh, game developers. There's more to being attractive than a lovingly modeled chest. Millions would disagree, but hey.

Even though you still won't be convinced that Ayame could give you change for a dollar if she had four quarters, DOA 4's character designs are a slight improvement. Even if Bass is totally copping a feel on Tina on his way down.